
Computer Hardware

  Computer hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, such as a case, central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), monitor, and mouse which processes the input according to the set of instructions provided to it by the user and gives the desired output. The computer has mainly had two major components: 1.      Hardware 2.      Software   What is Computer Hardware? Computer hardware is a physical device of computers that we can see and touch. For e.g. Monitor, Central processing unit , mouse etc. Using these devices, we can control computer operations like input and output   Computer Hardware Parts These hardware components are further divided into the following categories, which are: 1.      Input Devices 2.      Output Devices 3.      Storage Devices 4.      Internal Components   1. Input Devices Input Devices  are ...

Perform basic operations of cloud computing including internet and email services Unit -6

 ### 1. What is DNS? DNS (Domain Name System) translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to access websites using human-readable names. ### 2. What is e-mail? Email (electronic mail) is a method of exchanging digital messages over the internet, typically between individuals or organizations. ### 3. What is a home page? A home page is the main or introductory page of a website, usually serving as a table of contents for the site's content. ### 4. What is a firewall? A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. ### 5. What is URL? A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address used to access resources on the internet, such as web pages. ### 6. What are the principal features of the internet? - Global Connectivity - Information Sharing - Communication - Multimedia - Interactivity - Commerce - Services - Social Networking - Accessibility - Scalability ### 7. What is a prot...

Files and folders Questions & Answers

 Choose the correct option. 1.A folder is an object that  contains ................... files? Single Multiple None of the above 2.what do you call a folder inside another folder? Child folder Sub folder Parent folder 3.Every file name has...............? Extension Picture Document 4....................... helps to organize files in one pace? folder files extension 5.Data is stored in the computer in the form of ..................? Folder file document a file extension of a file saved in notepad? .txt .bmp .odt 7.jerry.bmp is a file extension for................. MS paint file MS word file PowerPoint file 8.which of the following is a file type for studentdetails.doc? MS paint file MS word file notepad file 9.Write the steps to create a folder?    Setp1:- Right click on desktop of the computer   Setp2:- select the option new and the click on folder. Anew folder is created. 10.Write the steps to save a file in the folder? Setp1:- Go ...

Unit 1 - Use the computer and manage files within standard operating system

  The unit covers the basic settings and management of a standard operating system 1.1 Startup and shutdown computer correctly In this sub unit we can understand the basic of shutdown , switch on , restart and etc. of a fine computer. 1.1.1 Switch on fine computer For this process we can flow below steps. step 1----> Switch on the power socket. step 2----> Switch on the UPS(Incase f availability). step 3----> Switch on the CPU. step 4----> Switch on the Monitor. step 5----> Waiting for  welcome screen. 1.1.2 Shutdown fine computer correctly following steps are shown how the fine computer should be shutdown. step 1----> Close all the program and save necessary files . step 2----> Click start button from task manager and select power option then clicked shutdown(for windows 10) step 3----> Switch of the UPS and power socket after CPU fully of. Disadvantage of incorrectly shutdown the computer Operating system files/ OS Corrupted. Hardware issues (RAM,VGA)...