Shapes in Photoshop
How to Draw Shapes in Photoshop using Shape Tool shape layer also uses Photoshop vector technology. You will get shape layer tool right here in toolbar. Now click on that and you can see various Shapes like; Ractangle Tool Rounded Rectangle Tool Elipse Tool Polygan Tool Line Tool Custom Shape Tool By selecting these items you can draw them as regular path or as a shape layer. See in the options bar, on the second position you can see a menu. It will show you 3 options to draw your shape like “Path” , “Shape” and “Pixels”. Now pixel fills the drawn path with pixels, this option does not use vector technology. And path will draw only path of the shape, it will not fill any color in path. But here I select shape option and you can see some various options here. I can select “fill color, stroke color, stroke type” and much more options here. Now draw the shape and see in layer panel a new layer created there. You can see a small path icon on the layer. i...