Perform Word Processing-UNIT:-02


           Perform Word Processing-K725004002

Word processing is a document related text editing process such as paragraph setting, image editing and document setting.

Example: MS Office Word

Open Office Writer

Google docs

2.1) Use a word processing application

In this all subject reuse Ms office word (2005,2006). Ms office word processing applications in Ms office package.

2.1.1 Open and Close

The following methods how we can open Ms office word.


i.              Go to start button

ii.            Search word /MS office Word

iii.          Click word icon.


i.              Open run command (Windows + R)

ii.            Type “Win Word”

iii.          Then click “ok”/”run”


i.            Find word icon on desktop on taskbar

ii.          Click word icon [only on task bar]/[dabble click on icon on desktop]

The following methods shows how to close Ms office word


Click close button


Alt + F4

2.1.2 Create a new document

There are tow ways to create new document on MS word start up [after 2010/from2013]. Those are blank documents and template document. The following steps shows how we can create a new document.


On start up menu click blank document  edit the document.


On start up menu select the template from the list and click Edit the template

2.1.3 Save a word document

There are several type of saving methods available in Ms word. Those are save this existing document, Save as a different file format, save with password and etc. Save a new document

The following steps how we can save a new document.

i.              After document making go to file

ii.            Click save / save as

iii.          Select the part from the shown list/Click brows to select the parts

iv.          Give a name for the document and select exported type.

v.            Click save.

Password production for the word document We can product our valuable document by given password. This prevention only for remove access to view without password. The following steps shows how to add password to our document.

i.     Go to file ii.        Select Infor iii.        Click password production iv.    Click encrypt with password

v.            Give a password and continue with conform password

vi.          Then save the document as normal

Save existing document

The following methods shows how we can save existing document

i.            Make a modification with a document

ii.          Ctrl + S /Go to file and click save

Export and existing documents as different format

i.            Go to file in a existing

ii.          Click save as

iii.        Click/select a part iv.   Select a file format / extension from file type prop down list.


Click F12

2.1.4 Help function in MS office Word

During the process in the word application we can face some difficulties. During that time we get some help from development team of the particular soft wear by their free define help document. We can access the help function of Ms office word, just press F1.

2.2) Perform adjustment of word processor setting.

We have to perform several adjustment or setting before using it. These are listed under this section

2.2.1 Viewing modes and zooming

Ms office word have five type of viewing option for our eye comfortable. Those are,

i.          Print layout – see how the document will look this printed only in this view only we can view header and footer

ii.        Read mode - The best way to read a document including some tools design for reading.

iii.      Web layout – See how your document good look as a web page ,this layout is also great if you have while tables in your document.

iv.      Outline view – In this view point, this view useful for creating headings and moving every photograph with in the document

v.        Draft view – Switch your view to see just the text in your document, this is useful for quick edit.

We can access major three views(read mode, print layout, web layout) in the status bar(right hand site). Otherwise we can access all of them in view tab. The zooming of the document is placed right hand side corner of status bar. Usually its used for enlarger.

2.2.2 Tool bar and Ruler

Basically the tool bar used for gain tools for editing a document. As default its always under the menu bar but we can hide as required by double clicking in the menu bar. If we need it back, do it the process again.

Usually the ruler its used for indicate the boarders or margins in a document. We ca hide or show them in the view tab.

2.2.3 Basic options in the Ms word application

We can access the option or the word application by following this steps

i.            Go to file

ii.          Click options

In this section we can modify our user name in the option window, not only user name but also we can change saving part of default save location default auto save location and default template saving location ,Ms office themes and etc.


Usually Ms office word can correct the wrong word of any language automatically. Otherwise the auto correction in dictates some other mistakes in the word or sentence coloured wave line under the word or sentence.

Blue wave line => The blue line that appear under text in a word document indicate that the format consistency checker is turned on and is functioning in the background as your type.

Red wave line => The red line indicates a misspelled word. That is a check for spelling mistakes.

Green wave line => The green line indicates a grammatical error that is a grammar check.

Yellow wave line => Automatic spelling and grammar checking.

2.3) Perform word processing operation.

In MS word we can perform several text related edition those are listed below,

i.            We can type a letter or special characters

ii.          We can type a word or many words. Those words make entire sentences to a entire paragraph [with meaning is or without meaning]

iii.        We can edit or change or modify a particular text or word by adding or removing or replacing a letter or entire word. iv.      A modification of the word that can be under the undo or redo functions[undo, redo functions are available before save the document] Ctrl +Z = undo

Ctrl + Y=redo

v.            We can copy or move a text or a word or a paragraph or entire document to a place which is in the same document or another

document [with style or without style]

vi.          We can search or replace a particular word or phrases by using replace fine tools in the Ms office word

2.4) Format text

We have several tools to edit text in the document of the Ms office application.

Many of text editing tools are available in the home tab, such as font type, font size, bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript, case changing tool, text colour and copy paste tool.

Basically this tools are used by our preference

       Font type – pick a new font for your text

       Font size – change the size of your text

       Bold – make your text bold

       Italic – italicize your text

       Underline – underline your text

       Subscript – type very small letters just below the line of text

       Superscript – type very small letters just above the line of text

       Case changing tool – change the selected text to upper case, lower case or other common capitalization.

       Text colour – change of colour of your text

       Copy – put a copy of the selection on the clip board, so you can paste it some where else.

       Paste – pick a past option , such as keeping formatting or pasting only content.

2.5) Format a paragraph

The Ms office word provide several tool is for a format a paragraph in the document. The text related tools also used for format of paragraph such as font size, font style, font colour and etc. Apart from those additional tools like alignments list line or paragraph spacing, indent, borders and etc.…..are used for a particular paragraph usually those tools belong only for a paragraph, not a text.

Ø Alignment

                 i.    Align left

Align your content with the left margin left alignment is commonly used for body text and makes the documents easier to read.

                ii.    Centre

Centre your content on the page. Centre alignment gives document a format appearance and is often used cover pages quotes and some times headings.

              iii.    Align right

Align content with the right margin ,right alignment is used for small sections of content, such as text in a header or footer.

              iv.    Justify

Distribute your text evenly between the margins justified text gives your document clean crisp edges so it looks more polished.

                v.    Indent

Decrease indent move your paragraph closer to the margin. Increase intent move your paragraph for then away from the margin.

              vi.    Line and paragraph spacing

Choose a how much space appears between lines of text or between paragraphs to apply the same spacing to your whole document, use the paragraph spacing options on the design tab.

             vii.    Bullets

Create a bulleted list click the arrow to change the look of the bullet.

           viii.    Numbering

Create a numbered list click the arrow for more numbering formats.

Ø Multilevel list

Create a multilevel list to organized items or create an outline you can also change the look of individual levels in your list or add numbering to headings in your documents.

Ø Sort

Arrange the current selected in alphabetical or numerical order this is especially useful if you retrying to organized data in a table

Ø Borders

Add or remove borders from your selection. To change the look of the borders check out the option on the table tools design tab or use the borders shading dialog box.

Ø Shading

Change the colour behind the selected text, paragraph or table cell.

2.6) Format a document

Usually we use several tools to format a document. There are several tabs are used to format a document. There are design and page layout with a help of those tabs we can do following things in the document.

Page breaking

Adding columns

Change document orientation

Paper size and margins

Modify header and footer

Applying page number

Applying page borders

With the changing of the above things we can style our document.

2.6.1 Applying columns in a document

By using this tool we can type paragraph in a column view. Usually it gives a style of a newspaper. The following method shows how we can add this style in our document.

Select a document or select a page

Go to page layout and click column tool

Select default number of column customize it

NOTE:-this changes affect all the pages to the particular section.

2.6.2 changing document orientation and paper size, margin These tools are available under the page layout tab.


It is used for change the document page orientation. There are two type of orientation are available. Those are ,



Paper size

These are several paper size are available. For example A4,A3,B5,AR and etc.


There are several default margin range are available in the word document. In addition we can customize the margin range.

NOTE:- those are three tools applied in the full document under a particular section.

Section breaks

Next page:-Insert a section break and start the new section on the next page.

Continuous:- Insert a section break and store the new section on the same page.

Even page:-Insert a section break and start the new section on the even- numbered page.

Odd page:- Insert a section break and short the new section on the odd-numbered page.

2.6.3 Page break

This tool is available under insert tab and as well as layout tab. Its use to create a blank page from current page.

NOTE:-Under the break tool there are several type of page breaking method are available. Those are,

Page breaks

       Page-mark the point at which one page and the next page begins.

       Column-Indicate that the text following the column break will begin in the column.

       Text warping- separate text around objects on web pages , such as caption text from body text.

Page borders

We can add page borders by using border tool under design tool we can add links or departs as border.

2.6.4) Modify header and footer

We can define a place of above the top margin as header. Some as below the bottom margin as footer. These tools are available under the insert tab by default it shows each and every page.

2.6.5) Applying numbers

Usually we add page number for identify current page. There are several type of page numbering [Arabic, Roman, Alphabets] Top of page :- page number will be on below the bottom margin.

Page margins :- we can add number in the margin site.

Current position :- we can add number where we want number.

2.7) Create and format table in a document

We can add table in a document by using insert tab, by inserting in the document. We can perform several operation in the table. Those are,

i.        Table creation and modification

ii.      Table rows and columns modifications

iii.    Cells modification iv. Table properties applications

v. Data sort and formula usage

2.7.1 Table creation and modification.

When we adding table in a document we should this order.

1.    Click the place where you want insert the table in the document

2.    Go to insert tab and click tab

3.    Create a table by using the default columns and rows.

otherwise click insert table and add columns and rows our wish.

4.    After inserting table we can customize boarder style and cell background colour by using design tab under the tools.

2.7.2 Table rows and columns modification.

We can add and delete columns and rows after inserting a table for this operation select a cell where we want to insert a row or column.

Then right click on the said cell, select insert from the shown list. Then click a option for inserting a column or row of the sub list.


1.    Insert columns to the left :- we can add a column in the left

2.    Insert columns to the right:- we can add a column in the right

3.    Insert rows about :- we can add rows in above

4.    Insert rows below :- we can add rows in below

5.    Insert cell

Shift cell right

Shift cell down

Insert entire row

Insert entire column

2.7.3 Cells modification

By looking the cells, we can add cell styles and colour, shading by using design tab under the table

We can merge or split cell by using merge style and split cell under the layout tab and also we can select nine more alignment for the text which is contained by the cell and also we can define the text direction.

2.7.4 Data short and formula usage.

During the inserting data in our table. We have to follows are advanced technic to make were easy.

If we want to sort a particular column we have to use sort tool under the layout. other hand if we want to use only advance formula for calculation, we have to use formula tools under the layout tab.

2.8) Insert objects and links in to a document.

Usually we have to used several objects like table, picture, chart, smart art, shapes, equation and ect. For this operation usually we are using several tools under the insert tab. Those tools are mention below table, pictures, shapes, smart art, short, hyper link, comments, header, footer and time, object, equation and symbols. Table

Usually we are using tables for represent the data and category. Picture

We can add the picture in the document for more details. We can also resize the picture and delete it same. We can also group one or more pictures for resize or more or delete. Shapes

In word document we have many shapes for usage. But also we can create any addition shape with the help of now drawing canvas. Smart art

It is used for convey information with arts and text. We often used it for report creation, professional document etc. Chart

We have to represent data in chart form rather than tables. There are many types of charts available in Ms office word. Such as pie chart, bar chart, line chart and etc.

Hyper links

We have to use hyperlinks to jump from one location tool another. It can be a location or programme or page or website link etc. Comments

Comments are a suggestion feedback from the viewer of the document. Usually is used for collaboration such as review, examination and etc.

Header and Footer

We often used header and footer page numbers in our document. Text box

Text box is a input tool for text. Usually we used for placed text editor related things in the document where we like. Word art

Create a predestined style text in the document.

Drop cap

Make a first character bigger than other in a particular lines like story books first letters. Date and time

Insert current data and time it’s dynamically changed. Object

Ember red other application in word document we can use the application functional.

Equation and symbols

Equation or symbols we often used to create exam paper or science related papers.

2.9) Carry out mailing of a document.

For the mail merge we are using several tools under the mailing tabs. The mailing means developing a particular document a multiple people. The following steps lead as to carry out the correct and efficient way of mail merge.

1.    Go to mailing tab

2.    Click mail merge and select step by mail merge wizard.

3.    Select mailing type

4.    Select document then click next

5.    Select data source field

6.    Click finish and merge

7.    Expert as merge document

2.10) Prepare final document for printing

After preparing the fall document we often print it out as hard copy before printout, we have to set several operations. Those are,

1.    Page size setup

2.    Printing page setting

3.    Margins

4.    Printing orientation

5.    Printing quantity per page

6.    Copies operating document

2.10.1 Page size setup

We can change the page size before print a document. This size define how you can get a printed version /hard copy of your document. Which size is whatever you define you have to change the size of printing document in the printer setting also.

2.10.2 Printing page setting

During printing something we can choose which page should be print. There are several options for this operation, those are,

1.    Print current page :- Print the page which left my cursor.

2.    Print even page :- print the even number page.

3.    Print odd page :- print the odd number page.

4.    Page range :- in this option allows as to print a particular range of document.


2.10.3 Margin

We can set a margin before print document

2.10.4 Printing orientation

We can set a printing orientation before print a document

2.10.5 Printing quantity per page

During print out we can select or we can defined how many page of the document should be placed in a printing page

2.10.6Copied or printing document

During print out we can select or define how many copies of the document we want.



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