
Showing posts from February, 2024

Design & Develop Static web Page

 web Development It's a process of developing active website. Website A website is a collection of related web pages containing image , Video or other digital assets. Webpage A webpage is a document typically written in plane text with formatting instruction of hypertext mark up language(HTML).Type of website Static website dynamic website Static website A static website is a basic type of website that delivers its content exactly as it is stored. Each web page is an individual HTML file and remains unchanged unless manually updated. Static websites are typically coded using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they do not require server-side processing or a database to function. They are well-suited for presenting fixed content, such as informational pages, portfolios, or blogs with infrequent updates. Advantages of Static Websites: Simplicity : They're easy to create and deploy, requiring minimal technical knowledge. Speed : Static sites load faster since there's no need for se

ICTT Pastpaper

when your computer is running slow, how do you improve the speed of the computer? Give five(05) solutions? Close unnecessary programs and processes. Delete temporary files and free up disk space. Update software and drivers. Consider hardware upgrades like adding more RAM or SSD. Optimize startup programs to reduce boot time. What are differences between Search Engine and Web Browser? Give two examples for each? Search Engine: Purpose : A search engine is a tool used to search for information on the internet by entering keywords or phrases. It helps users find relevant websites, documents, images, videos, and other types of content. Examples : Google: Google is one of the most popular search engines worldwide, providing users with a vast index of web pages and other online content. Bing: Bing is another widely used search engine developed by Microsoft, offering similar search capabilities to Google. Web Browser: Purpose : A web browser is a software application used to access and vie