Design & Develop Static web Page

 web Development

It's a process of developing active website.


A website is a collection of related web pages containing image , Video or other digital assets.


A webpage is a document typically written in plane text with formatting instruction of hypertext mark up language(HTML).Type of website

  1. Static website
  2. dynamic website
Static website

A static website is a basic type of website that delivers its content exactly as it is stored. Each web page is an individual HTML file and remains unchanged unless manually updated. Static websites are typically coded using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they do not require server-side processing or a database to function. They are well-suited for presenting fixed content, such as informational pages, portfolios, or blogs with infrequent updates.

Advantages of Static Websites:

  1. Simplicity: They're easy to create and deploy, requiring minimal technical knowledge.
  2. Speed: Static sites load faster since there's no need for server-side processing or database queries.
  3. Security: They are generally more secure since there's no dynamic content or server-side scripting.
  4. Cost: Hosting costs are typically lower compared to dynamic websites because they require less server resources.

Disadvantages of Static Websites:

  1. Limited Functionality: They can't provide dynamic content or interactive features without additional tools or services.
  2. Scalability: Managing large amounts of content can become cumbersome as each page must be manually updated.
  3. Updates: Content updates require manual editing of HTML files, making it less convenient for frequent changes.
  4. Interactivity: They lack features like user logins, forms, or personalized content without integrating third-party services.

Dynamic website

A dynamic website is a type of website that can change its content based on user input or other external factors. This type of website is often used for online stores, social media platforms, or news websites where the content is updated frequently and can vary depending on who is viewing it.

Advantages of Dynamic Websites:

  1. Interactivity: Dynamic websites can engage users with interactive features like forms, comment sections, and personalized content.
  2. Customization: They can tailor content and user experiences based on individual preferences or behavior.
  3. Scalability: Dynamic websites can handle large amounts of content and users more efficiently, making them suitable for growing businesses.
  4. Automation: They can automate processes such as user authentication, content management, and data processing, saving time and effort.

Disadvantages of Dynamic Websites:

  1. Complexity: Dynamic websites are more complex to develop and maintain compared to static websites, requiring expertise in server-side scripting, databases, and programming languages.
  2. Performance: They may have slower loading times compared to static websites due to server-side processing and database queries.
  3. Security Risks: Dynamic websites are susceptible to security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting, if not properly secured and maintained.
  4. Cost: Building and hosting dynamic websites can be more expensive due to the need for server resources, maintenance, and security measures.

What is HTML?
Hyper text Markup Language.HTML allows you to describe the content of the website.

Getting start with HTML?
Make a HTML file using a text editor.
open it with your browser.
Usually your default browser is already configured to open HTML files.
so just click the file.
Decide above steps we can also use professional file structure during website development.

HTML Syntax
HTML revolves around tags.
Each tag has a special meaning to the browser.
Tags are key words surrounded by brackets < > they usually come pairs opening and closing tags.
Eg: < b> content </b> will bold the word content.
<P> more content </P> Paragraph.

codes enclosed in brackets.
    Usually paired
Eg: <Title> My webpage</Title>

Creating a Basic Starting Document

    This is what is displayed

The Body element.
    The body element of a webpage is an important element in regards to the page's appearance. this element contains information about the page's back ground color the background image as well as the text and link colors.
Eg: Text ="RRGGBB" to change the color of all the text on the page 
Here are the attributes of the body tags to control all the levels:
  • bg color
  • Background
  • Text
1.Background color
It is very common to see web pages with their background color set to white or some other set your document's background color you need to edit the <BODY> element by adding the BGCOLOR attribute. 

2.Text Color
The text attribute is used to control the color of all the normal text in the document. the default color for text is back.
Eg: the text attribute would be added as follows: <BDY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" Text= #FF0000>Documents content</Body>
In this example the document page color is white and the text would be red.

3.Using image Background
The body element also give you ability of setting image as the document's background. An example of a background image's HTML code is as follows
<BODY BACKGROUND="hirik" BG color="FFFFFF">Document context</BODY> 

These attribute  the color of the different link states
LINK:- Initial appearance  default =Blue
VLINK: Visited link default =Purple
ALINK: Active link being click  default = Yellow

the format  for setting these  attribute is
<BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" Text="FF0000" VLINK=#FF00FF" ALINK= "#FFFF00" > Document context</BODY>


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