Files and folders Questions & Answers

 Choose the correct option.

1.A folder is an object that  contains ................... files?

  1. Single
  2. Multiple
  3. None of the above
2.what do you call a folder inside another folder?

  1. Child folder
  2. Sub folder
  3. Parent folder

3.Every file name has...............?

  1. Extension
  2. Picture
  3. Document
4....................... helps to organize files in one pace?

  1. folder
  2. files
  3. extension
5.Data is stored in the computer in the form of ..................?

  1. Folder
  2. file
  3. document a file extension of a file saved in notepad?

  1. .txt
  2. .bmp
  3. .odt
7.jerry.bmp is a file extension for.................

  1. MS paint file
  2. MS word file
  3. PowerPoint file
8.which of the following is a file type for studentdetails.doc?

  1. MS paint file
  2. MS word file
  3. notepad file
9.Write the steps to create a folder?
  Setp1:-Right click on desktop of the computer
  Setp2:-select the option new and the click on folder. Anew folder is created.

10.Write the steps to save a file in the folder?

Setp1:-Go to file  click on save option in MS paint , or word program.

Setp2:-Enter the name of the file.

Setp3:- Select the folder where you want to keep your file.

11.Write the steps to rename a folder?

Setp1:-Right click on the folder.

Setp2:-Click on rename option.

Setp3:-Type the name of your choice.

12.Write steps to delete a folder?

Setp1:- Right click on the folder
Setp2:-Click on delete option the folder gets deleted.

observe the folder and the structure and answer the following questions.

13.Name of the parent folder?

    Food Item

14.Name of the sub folder?

    Cake Item, Ice-cream Item, chocolate Item

15.Name of the files?

    Name of the cake.txt

    Name of the ice-cream.bmp

fill in the blanks

16.A Folder is an object that contains multiple files.

17Extension is added after we type the filename like .bmp or .txt.

18.txt is a file extension for notepad.

19.Data is stored in the computer in the form of file

20.A folder inside a folder is called Sub-folder

21. The Main folder is called the Parent folder.

22.Data is stored in the computer in the form of file.

23..doc is a file extension for Microsoft word file.

24.ABC.bmp here ABC is File name and .bmp is Extension.

25.file extension helps to identify the content of the file.


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